Education Guides

Can I Do Change Of Course After Post UTME? See Answer

Can I still do the change of course after post utme has been conducted?


If you want to get the answer to this clause, I enjoin you to read this article painstakingly as I will discuss what you need to know about the change of course, and how it affects or concerns post utme.

Some even asked if it is possible to change course after getting admission. If you have always followed my education guides, you will notice my way of expressing my point and bring reasons to answers. I will also make you know of the reasons for the answers I will give here also.


Can I Do Change Of Course After Post Utme?

The answer is YES. You can do a change of course after post utme has been conducted.

Reason being that universities separately conduct their separate change of course for candidates who do not meet the required departmental cut off points after the conduction of post utme exercise.

it is imperative to note that universities change of course is different from JAMB change of course.

Also, Read: JAMB Change of Course & Institution Closing Date For 2021/2023

here is what I mean. You can not perform the JAMB change of course after conducting post utme but you can do the said university’s change of course after the post utme has been conducted.

The reason for university change of course is to give opportunities to candidates who may not have gotten their departmental cut off marks but still meet another department’s cut off mark. With this they can opt for other departments and get admission.

Will I Gain Admission After Doing Change Of Course?

You may be wondering whats the probability of gaining after doing the change of course.

As I have said earlier, I will make sure to touch every area concerning this topic and make you doubt free.

will I be given admission after changing my course?

The Simple answer is YES. You will be given admission after changing to the departments you meet their minimum admission requirements.

see the reasons below.

Schools will continually be receiving updated lists of candidates and courses changed to, from JAMB. The managements are compelled to update the same lists in their databases. Hence, you will be listed for the new course, not the old one as soon as a school updates her database.

Some schools will offer their candidates different courses other than the ones applied for. As a result, candidates will be instructed by both JAMB and the institutions to visit their JAMB profiles and change their courses to the new ones.

This even comes after lists are already out. Why won’t it work for candidates who make the changes before the lists are out?

This is common among the universities and polytechnics that give automatic admissions if candidates do not meet up with their departmental cut off marks.

JAMB Change of Course & Institution Closing Date For 2021/2023


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