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Differences in JAMB, School and Post UTME Cut Off Marks

What are the differences between JAMB cut off marks, school cut off marks and post utme cut off marks? See the difference in JAMB and departmental cut off marks.


Generally, candidates want to know what a university’s, polytechnic’s, or college’s cut off mark is before choosing it during the JAMB registration. And if you’re not inquisitive at this stage, as soon as JAMB announced the national cut off mark, you may want to check your own schools’ post UTME cut off marks. This, you have to wait until those schools start selling their entry forms.

Untill now, most candidates applying for Post UTME are left in a pool of confusion, trying to differentiate the JAMB cut off marks, school’s cut off mark from departmental cut off mark.


This is the reason i am writing this post, so that candidates will have a clearer understanding on what they are curious about.

Post UTME cut off marks

JAMB Cut Off Marks.

JAMB cut off marks has no other meaning but the speculated cut off point decided by the management of joint admission and matriculation board as a guideline for schools to follow.

JAMB’s cut off marks are not the same as Schools’ cut off marks. I would say you shouldn’t too rejoice when you surpass the cut off mark released by JAMB as it may not be anything closer to schools cut off marks.

It’s safe to say, you should check the cut off points your school drew in the previous admission year to judge for this year.

Schools Cut Off Marks.

In the same vein is the school cut of marks where it can be different from JAMB’s cut off marks; are you confused? here’s the breakdown:

  • The Schools cut off marks can be the same as JAMB’s cut off marks.
  • Schools cut off marks can be higher than JAMB’s cut off marks.
  • It can never be lower than JAMB’s cut off marks

In light of this, School cut off mark is the total score range a university, polytechnic, college of education, or innovative enterprise institute requires prospective admission seekers to have in JAMB UTME to be able to participate in its post UTME or screening exercise.

From the above definition, I will like to bring to you notice that a school cut off mark is not necessarily what the school needs to offer you admission. Instead, the mark will only give you a chance to register and participate for the school’s post UTME screening excercise.

Post UTME Cut Off Marks.

The Post UTME cut off marks is widely known as the departmental cut off marks.

However, Post UTME cut off points or Departmental cut off score is the real deal that guarantee your admission for a particular course in your preferred school.

Grant me the grace to say this, but it is impossible to gain admission into a particular school when you don’t meet up the departmental cut off score. This is more of an advise not to yield to anyone that promised to work out your admission when you don’t meet up cut off.

In most schools, the departmental cut off marks are not usually made public, while for some schools, it is usually determine by a calculation using the JAMB score, O’level results and school examination result and this is what we call the Aggregate Score.

Differences Between JAMB and Departmental cut off marks.

Just like I have explained what JAMB’s cut off marks are, I have also clarify what schools cut off marks are likewise have I explained what post UTME/Departmental cut off marks are.

The Differences between JAMB and Departmental cut off marks have been explained above.

In a recap, School’s Cut Off Marks as earlier pointed out is different. 
  1. It can be the same as what JAMB draws
  2. It can be a bit higher than what JAMB draws
  3. But never lower than what JAMB draws

On this note, it is imperative not to assume JAMB’s cut marks as totally useless because it does not guarantee your admission.

Even if you don’t meet up your school’s cut off marks, JAMB cut off mark can still in a way grant you grace of admission in other schools, that’s where JAMB’s market place comes in.


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