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How to Calculate FUTA Aggregate Score For Admission

Searching for how To Calculate FUTA Aggregate Score 2021? See how to calculate FUTA Aggregate cut off mark here!


Before we go in-depth of how to calculate FUTA aggregate score for 2021/2023 session, we would like to ask if you understand what an aggregate score is all about?.

Defining what an aggregate cut off mark or score is would make this post easier to comprehend.


In as much as you understand this, we can confidently boast of a quantum who do not know what an aggregate score is and why it is being calculated.

An aggregate cut off mark in the tertiary institution context is the total score a candidate has after combining JAMB and Post UTME scores then diving it with the appropriate figures which will be seen below while reading this post.

For some universities and polytechnics, you would have to combine more than just JAMB and post UTME but your O’Level grades as well.

For you to gain admission, you must have met the neccessary FUTA admission requirements and as well gotten FUTA JAMB and departmental cutoff mark for your course of choice.

Also read; How to calculate JAMB and Departmental Cut Off for all schools. 

Difference between JAMB and departmental cutoff mark?

Some students are actually confuse on what JAMB cutoff mark is and what departmental cutoff mark is,  A student once asked me which is more relevant?.

Well I must say both are more relevant and the major difference here is meeting the minimum JAMB cutoff mark qualifies you for the said university’s Screening

JAMB Cutoff mark is simply the minimum score/grade a student must meet to be qualified for admission into a university.

while Departmental cut off is the minimum score by the University her self you must meet to be considered for admission.

So the major difference is qualification and consideration, in other words, if you’re not qualified, you will not be consideredyou must qualify to be considered”. they’re both important per say.

Best universities to study engineering in Nigeria,futa cutoff mark


It is very easy to calculate FUTA’s aggregate score as the university uses a formula similar to that of most universities.

Like other Federal Universities, Federal University of Technology, Akure uses a 50:50 system, where your JAMB represents 50% while your post represents the remaining 50% totaling 100%.

However, if you are able to perform really well in your post UTME you would find yourself having a really high aggregate score regardless of how you perform in your JAMB.

This is because Federal University of Technology, Akure prioritizes its post UTME over its JAMB scores.

To calculate Federal University of Technology, Akure aggregate score, you would need to know your JAMB and post UTME scores. Once you have that information handy, you can go ahead and use the calculation procedure below.

JAMB UTME is made up of 400 marks while FUTA post UTME is made 100 marks.

Simply divide your JAMB score by 8

Divide your Post UTME score by  2

Add up the result

That gives you your FUTA aggregate score

Illustration 1

JAMB Score / 8 = 50%

Post UME Score / 2 = 50%

Total = 100%


To better understand the calculation process, you can check out this illustration below.

Let’s assume a candidate applying to study at the Federal University of Technology, Akure has a JAMB score of 205 and a Post UTME score of 50. To calculate his aggregate score;

JAMB score = 205 / 8 = 25.63

Post UTME score = 50 / 2 = 25

Total = 25.63(JAMB) + 25(Post UTME) = 51 approximately

Such candidate’s aggregate score will be 51.

FUTA Jamb Cut Off Mark 2021/2023 Admission

All interested Candidates that wishes to further their education in to FUTA are hereby informed that the Jamb cutoff Mark for FUTA is 200. This simply means that all those who had a minimum score of 200 are eligible to purchase FUTAPost-Utme Admission form and also participate in FUTA post utme examination.

This eligibility for buying FUTA Screening form with a minimum JAMB Score of 200 and Above also apply to the following courses unless otherwise stated by the management.

Also read; Jamb cutoff Mark for all schools updated

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical/Electronics (Elect/Elect)]
  • Civil Engineering
  • Others

FUTA Departmental Cut Off Mark 2020/2021

A lot of aspirants are also concerned to when the departmental cut off mark of the Federal University of Technology Akure will be released. Departmental cut off mark as explained above is the minimum cut off mark for admission into various departments in a particular institution/university.

    • AEC   47.5
    • APH  55.37
      • ARE  47.5
    • CSP  47.5
    • EWM  47.5
    • FAT  47.5
    • FST  58.12
    • FWT  47.5
    • AGE  55.12
    • CPE  69.62
    • CVE  71.87
    • EEE  74.37
    • ICT  49.75
    • IPE  47.5
    • MEE  73.75
    • MME  54.87
    • MNE  54.75
    • AGP  47.5
    • AGY  47.5
    • MST  47.5
    • MCS  47.5
    • RSG  47.5
    • ARC  72.87
    • BDG  56.62
    • ESM  47.5
    • IDD  53.25
    • QSV  57
    • SVG  64.25
    • URP  52.87
    • CSC  69
    • IFT  63.75
    • IFS  63.75
    • CSS  63.75
    • SEN  63.75
    • BCH  63.37
    • BIO  47.5
    • BTH  47.5
    • CHE  47.5
    • MCB  63
    • MTS  59
    • PHY  47.5
    • STA  47.5
    • ANA  59.5
    • BIM  47.5
    • PHS  57.25

What Happens when I don’t meet up with Jamb Cutoff Mark?

Well, if you fall in this category, there’s only a solution. And that’s to consider changing of institution to the University that accept a low score.

Because not meeting the JAMB cutoff for FUTA simply means you’re not qualified to participate in its post utme.

What Happens when I don’t meet up with Departmental cutoff Mark?

The departmental cutoff mark actually determine your admission, sotherefor, not meeting it can be a threat to your admission.

Although you still have the option of changing course of study to one which your score suit.


Having known How to calculate FUTA Aggregate cut off mark(FUTA JAMB and Departmental cut Off mark), if by any means you didn’t meet up with the above mentioned cutoff mark for your course, we’ll advice you do your self good by considering either changing your course to that your score meets or rather you change institution totally to the universities that accept low score.


FUTA Admission Requirements for all courses (UTME & DE)

FUTA School Fees For All courses (New and Returning students)

Federal University of Technology Akure(FUTA) Post utme form for 2021/2023 and how to apply


3 Replies to “How to Calculate FUTA Aggregate Score For Admission

  1. I got 232 in jamb and 68% in post utme with a very good WAEC result. Pls can i be considered for admission in Cyber security, FUTA (2021/2022)?

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