Education Guides

How To Get Back/Retrieve Lost First School Leaving Certificate

First school leaving certificate (FSLS) is one of the essential certificates every graduate in Nigeria should have. The reason is because, it is very difficult if not impossible, to get a government job in Nigeria without it. Thus, this post was created to help everyone who has lost his/her First school leaving certificate, recover it. Trust me; if you follow the guides in this page, you will successfully retrieve your lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS) without necessarily writing the examination again.


how to retrieve lost first school leaving certificate result

This page contains 2 (two) methods for recovery lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS). In the first method, you will go directly to your school (that is, the school where you took the examination). In the second method, you will go to the ministry of education in the state where you took the examination to demand for your First school leaving certificate (FSLS). The latter method is for people who can not remember the location of the school where they took the examination. Now, here we go!


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  • To get back your lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS) from your school, you have to get an affidavit from a high court in Nigeria.
  • Proceed to the school where you took the examination.
  • Meet the headmaster or mistress in the school, and tell him/her that you want to get back your lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS).
  • Pay the recommended sum of money if any, and provide every other information they demand.
  • After that, the school will confirm whether you were their student by checking your name in their list of students.
  • When you have been certified, they will offer you another First school leaving certificate (FSLS).

This is the easiest way to get back lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS). Nevertheless, if can’t remember the school where you took the examination, then you can use the next method below.


  • Alternatively, you can get your lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS) from the ministry of education in the state where you took the examination. All you have to do, is to:
  • Get an affidavit from any high court in Nigeria.
  • Go to the ministry of education in the state where you took the examination with your affidavit.
  • Inform them that you want to retrieve your lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS).
  • You will be asked to pay a particular some of money (Go with N5,000 at least).
  • Tell them your name and the school where you took the examination.
  • They will search for your certificate in their database and give it back to you.

Also Read:
How to retrieve lost WAEC Certificate.
How to retrieve and get back lost NECO certificate.

OK. That is all on how to retrieve and get back lost First school leaving certificate (FSLS). Remember to ask me your questions if any. I will give you a quick and excellent reply. Hope this article was helpful?


19 Replies to “How To Get Back/Retrieve Lost First School Leaving Certificate

  1. Please I have problems with my names in all my credentials thou I’ve done affidavit will it give me problems?

  2. I wrote my own 2012 but went to my school that I wrote
    They told me all of us that we wrote that year,they didn’t have them our results

  3. I wrote my fslc long ago, that was 2009, I have not colled my result, but I want to change my first name, because I desire to answer my native name. Please what do I do?

  4. I wrote common entrance when I was in primary 5 in another school,, but my former primary school is not in existence anymore

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