
Is Agricultural Chemicals a Good Career Path? (8 Best Paying Jobs)

Are you looking at getting into agricultural chemicals? And you are wondering if it is going to be a good decision that you are making, and wanted to be sure it is a good career path?


Worry less, I am here to help you. I won’t just be giving you a straight answer if agricultural chemicals is a good career path or not, I will give you a guide that can help you make a good career decision.

Is Agricultural Chemicals a Good Career Path


Is Agricultural Chemicals a Good Career Path?

Yes, agricultural chemicals is a good career path. If you have been considering if this career path is good, here is your answer.

After having a closer view into agricultural chemicals, I am sure that you should be able to answer if it is a career path you really want to pursue.


High-Paying Jobs in Agricultural Chemicals

There are several jobs in agricultural chemicals, but there is a group of them that are very much high paying than the others, and they are what we are trying to look into. Here is a list of high-paying jobs:

1. Biostatistician

These professionals make use of their deep knowledge of mathematics and statistics to analyze and solve scientific problems. Also, they can analyze captured data and build statistical techniques and studies with their skill. It might not seem like it, but these professionals are very important to human and animal health.

You might be wondering how biostatisticians get involved in agricultural chemicals. They look at case reports and make sure that set objectives are hit, and the standard of projects are not tampered with.

They help to find the best resources that will help solve issues when any come up. Also, they help bring necessary statistical samples together.

The average annual salary of a biostatistician is about $81,000.

2. Bioprocess engineer

These professionals are engineers, and their niche is biological and chemical engineering. What they do is design or develop processing for agriculture, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.

These professionals are experts in their field, and before you can become a bioprocess engineer, you will need a degree in electrical engineering, industrial engineering, or mechanical engineering.

This means that you must love and be vast in mathematics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. Other things that you must enjoy are research, evaluating things, experimentation, and data analysis.

The average annual salary of a bioprocess engineer is about $86,000.

3. Machine Design Engineer

What these professionals do is they make the important or the main parts of agricultural equipment, and their subsystems. They can also review designs and advise on new proposed projects.

People who are machine design engineers need to work with people in other departments. These departments include sales and marketing, production, production management, etc.

You need to be well trained to do this kind of job. To become a machine design engineer, you need a bachelor’s degree, either in mechanical engineering or mechanical engineering technology.

4. Agricultural lobbyist

These professionals make sure that the government officials know the interest and stances of companies, organizations, and industries, even down to the communities on agricultural chemicals. They are after the interest of the people they are representing.

Their roles cannot be overemphasized when it comes to laws or changes to laws that will favour agriculture as a whole.

5. Geospatial analytics scientist

These professionals are the ones that use their expertise to get GPS data and access them. They are also responsible for the integration and manipulation of data with different databases just to make that there is improvement in some agricultural software platforms. Their profession demands that they have a good team spirit, as they will be working with other scientists.

They make software solution proposals that will benefit trends in data quantity and quality from agricultural chemicals.

To become a geospatial analytics scientist, you will need more than just a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree is necessary.

6. Irrigation Engineer

As their name sounds, their speciality of engineering is focused on irrigation projects. The responsibility or duties of an irrigation engineer is to observe site surveys that have already been done, carry out research, and find any possible environmental problem.

As you might have guessed, they analyze, plan, design, and carry out agricultural irrigation systems.

The demand in terms of educational requirements that comes with being an irrigation engineer is dependent on the company in question. A bachelor’s degree might suffice for some, while you will need a master’s degree for others.

The average annual salary of an irrigation engineer is about $66,000.

7. Sanitary and Waste Handling Engineer

Another name you can call them is an environmental engineer. You will agree that waste management is a key part of agriculture, as it is necessary for keeping the livestock and food safe, and in the end, the health of the person who will consume the agricultural produce.

These professionals find ways or methods to effectively collect, dispose of, or possibly recycle the wastes. To be an environmental engineer, you will need a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering. A degree in process engineering or any closely related engineering specialities might work.

8. Environmental scientist

The professionals we talked about above are environmental engineers, but the ones right are environmental scientists. I know they look or seem like the same thing, but they are not.

They use their expertise in environmental science to ensure the safety of environmental health.  They also study what could pose a danger to public health. Their major focus is on the environment.

Most of an environmental scientist’s work is research. So, if you are going to be an environmental scientist, you have to love making research.

The average annual salary of an environmental scientist is about $55,000.


Entry-Level Jobs in Agricultural Chemicals

You are looking into jobs that are not so demanding when it comes to requirements, and using them to break into the agricultural chemicals career industry? There are entry-level jobs that will suffice for what you demand:

  1. Food Engineer

These speciality engineers are responsible for designing equipment relevant to the agricultural industry. They make use of computer-aided technology and can design processed food at a plant. One interesting fact about is that it is a very wide field that gives room for various career paths. You have many options if you decide to toll this path. The options include building storage structures for livestock, structural engineering, etc.

To be a food engineer, you need a high school diploma or a GED. This will depend on the company you are going to work with.

  1. Cotton Gin and Warehouse Manager

Cotton Gin is a part of the agricultural industry. The cotton gin and warehouse manager monitors and is in charge of everything that happens or goes on in the process of cotton ginning.

Since they are the manager, they must ensure that there are no chemicals in the products, and the products must meet standards and maintain compliance with the USDA classing offices.

They make sure that the cotton seed is dried, cleaned, and extracted from the lint, and also ensure the safe packing of the cotton. Another guideline and protocol that the manager must follow are the OSHA guidelines.

  1. Crop Adjuster

The crop adjuster is the one who looks into the insurance claims from the farmers or the agricultural companies. Their investigation starts from the farm, as they trying to bring together evidence.

The data gathered is what they will use to determine the root cause of a claim, etc.

If you want to be a crop adjuster, you might have to get an associate’s or you get a bachelor’s degree in a field that is related to agriculture. The course may be agronomy, plant science, soil science, or crop science.

If it is for the entry-level, you might not need a bachelor’s degree. A high school diploma might be all that is needed. But I won’t advise anyone to stay put at that – you should further your education. It makes climbing the professional ladder in your career easier.

You also might need to get a claim adjuster certification and then a state license.

  1. Field Mill Manager.

Just like the work of every manager, field mill managers monitor, but in this case, they monitor and make sure that the production of animal feed goes on as it should.

It is their job to make sure that the feed’s quality is up to standard while trying not to spend more than should be spent. Also, the manager ensures the safety of the mill workers.

To become a field mill manager, a few years of experience will do. Most of the learning will be on the job. So, you have to start from being a field mill worker first, and then you can grow into a manager. And working your way up to being a manager does not need you to further your education.

Just like any other position, a bachelor’s degree in agriculture will do.

  1. Apiary worker

These workers are concerned with bee colonies. As known, bees’ presence is very beneficial to the environment. What apiary workers do is monitor and make sure that bee colonies are very healthy, and if any diseases come up, they attend to them. They are also involved in the production of honey.

To work in an apiary, you just need your high school diploma or your GED. If you think you’d like to go into the managerial aspect, you need to get an associate’s or a bachelor’s degree.

  1. Weed scientist

If you have worked on a farm, you’d know that one of the enemies of the crops is weed. These scientists find weeds and fight them, and also analyze the effects of herbicides on plants. All these may include diagnosis via research to find issues, coming up with good suggestions on combating weed, and coming up with good weed control products.

  1. Food chemist

These professionals carry out research and also analyze the chemical properties of food, all to the end making new or improving the already existing food products. Their job is to make sure humans are healthy via the food products they come up with. If you are an undergraduate, you can work as a research assistant in this field.

The average annual salary of a food chemist is about $74,000.


Reason to Consider Agricultural Chemicals as a Good Career Path

You might be wondering what is in it for you if you decide to pursue a career in agricultural chemicals. Here are a few reasons that you can consider:

  1. Job satisfaction

If indeed you love to take care of livestock, jobs in agricultural chemicals can give you job satisfaction.

  1. You will learn to be attentive to details

You need to know that working in agricultural chemicals will demand that you be focused to a certain extent. So, working overtime will build you the ability to be attentive to details, which is a very great skill.

  1. Opportunity to learn

Even if you think you are confused as to where to start in the agricultural chemicals industry, you can still learn from professionals in the line of what you want to do.

  1. Recognition

If your career has to do with researching, you may be opportune to publish scientific research papers, and even present your research details at different research events. This makes you recognized, and you get to network with more people.



I hope this guide has helped you reach a decision and answer if agricultural chemicals is a good career path. I wish you the best in your career pursuits.


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