Zip & Postal Code

Postal Codes In Jamaica

Timezone Eastern Time
Area 1,091 km²
Population 2.8 million
Population Density 2,609 / km²
Postal Codes JMAAW01, JMAAW02, JMAAW03
Area Codes 658, 876
Businesses in Jamaica 25,309
Cities 110


Postal Codes In Jamaica

Postal codes are also used by businesses, organizations and individuals to determine where they are located so that they can send their products and services to customers who live nearby.

Postal codes in Jamaica are a system of postal addresses in Jamaica. The first two digits identify the province, the third digit identifies the parish, and the last three digits identify the post office.



List of Postal / ZIP Codes in Cayman Islands


Many commercial websites use postal codes to reduce costs associated with manually entering addresses. Postal codes are also used by businesses in order to send mail directly to customers. Postal codes make it easier for companies to get information about their customers, such as their names and addresses, without having to pay for this information from another company or organization.

Region1 City ZIP
Clarendon Aenon Town JMDCN01
Alley JMDCN02
Alston JMDCN03
Beckford Kraal JMDCN04
Chapleton JMDCN05
Colonels Ridge JMDCN06
Crofts Hill JMDCN07
Crooked River JMDCN08
Denbigh JMDCN09
Four Paths JMDCN10
Frankfield JMDCN11
Grantham JMDCN12
Hayes JMDCN14
James Hill JMDCN13
Kellits JMDCN15
Lionel Town JMDCN16
May Pen JMDCN17
Milk River JMDCN18
Mocho JMDCN19
Osbourne Store JMDCN20
Race Course JMDCN21
Richmond Park JMDCN22
Rock River JMDCN23
Smithville JMDCN24
Spaldings JMDCN25
Thompson Town JMDCN26
Toll Gate JMDCN27
Trout Hall JMDCN28
Wood Hall JMDCN29
Hanover Askenish JMCHR01
Cascade JMCHR02
Cessnock JMCHR03
Chester Castle JMCHR04
Dias JMCHR05
Great Valley JMCHR06
Green Island JMCHR07
Hopewell JMCHR08
Jericho JMCHR09
Ken Jones JMCHR10
Lucea JMCHR11
March Town JMCHR12
Maryland JMCHR13
Mount Peto JMCHR14
Ramble JMCHR15
Sandy Bay JMCHR16
Kingston Central Sorting Office JMAKN02
General Post Office JMAKN04
Kingston JMAKN01
Kingston JMAKN03
Kingston JMAKN05
Kingston JMAKN06
Manchester Auchtembeddie JMDMR01
Banana Ground JMDMR02
Christiana JMDMR03
Coleyville JMDMR04
Comfort Hall JMDMR05
Craighead JMDMR06
Cross Keys JMDMR07
Devon JMDMR08
Ellen Street JMDMR09
Harmons JMDMR10
Harry Watch JMDMR11
Hat Field JMDMR12
Kirkvine JMDMR13
Knockpatrick JMDMR14
Lincoln JMDMR15
Maidstone JMDMR16
Mandeville JMDMR17
Mile Gully JMDMR18
Newport JMDMR19
Old England JMDMR20
Porus JMDMR21
Pratville JMDMR22
Shooters Hill JMDMR23
Spur Tree JMDMR24
Walderston JMDMR25
Watson Hill JMDMR26
Williamsfield JMDMR27
Portland Balcarres JMBPD01
Bangor Ridge JMBPD02
Buff Bay JMBPD03
Comfort Castle JMBPD04
Fairy Hill JMBPD05
Fellowship JMBPD06
Fruitful Vale JMBPD07
Green Hill JMBPD08
Hectors River JMBPD09
Hope Bay JMBPD10
Long Bay JMBPD11
Manchioneal JMBPD12
Moore Town JMBPD13
Orange Bay JMBPD14
Port Antonio JMBPD15
Priestman’s River JMBPD16
Prior Park JMBPD17
Saint Margaret’s Bay JMBPD18
Skibo JMBPD19
Spring Hill JMBPD20
Swift River JMBPD21
Windsor Castle JMBPD22
Saint Andrew Border JMAAW01
Bull Bay JMAAW02
Dallas JMAAW05
Gordon Town JMAAW06
Kingston JMAAW03
Kingston JMAAW04
Kingston JMAAW07
Kingston JMAAW08
Kingston JMAAW09
Kingston JMAAW10
Kingston JMAAW12
Kingston JMAAW14
Kingston JMAAW15
Kingston JMAAW18
Kingston JMAAW20
Kingston JMAAW21
Kingston JMAAW22
Lawrence Tavern JMAAW11
Mavis Bank JMAAW13
Mount James JMAAW16
Red Hills JMAAW17
Saint Peters JMAAW19
Woodford JMAAW23
Saint Ann Alexandria JMCAN01
Bamboo JMCAN02
Bensonton JMCAN03
Blackstonedge JMCAN04
Borobridge JMCAN05
Browns Town JMCAN06
Calderwood JMCAN07
Cave Valley JMCAN08
Claremont JMCAN09
Discovery Bay JMCAN10
Epworth JMCAN11
Gibraltar JMCAN12
Inverness JMCAN13
Keith JMCAN14
Laughlands JMCAN15
Lime Hall JMCAN16
Lodge JMCAN17
Moneague JMCAN18
Ocho Rios JMCAN19
Runaway Bay JMCAN20
Saint Ann’s Bay JMCAN21
Salisbury JMCAN22
Steer Town JMCAN23
Walkerswood JMCAN24
Watt Town JMCAN25
Wild Cane JMCAN26
Saint Catherine Above Rocks JMACE01
Bartons JMACE02
Bellas Gate JMACE03
Bog Walk JMACE04
Bridgeport JMACE05
Browns Hall JMACE06
Bushy Park JMACE07
Ewarton JMACE08
Ginger Ridge JMACE09
Glengoffe JMACE10
Greater Portmore JMACE13
Gregory Park JMACE11
Guanaboa Vale JMACE12
Harewood JMACE14
Harkers Hall JMACE15
Linstead JMACE16
Lluidas Vale JMACE17
Old Harbour JMACE18
Old Harbour Bay JMACE19
Pear Tree Grove JMACE20
Point Hill JMACE21
Redwood JMACE22
Riversdale JMACE23
Sligoville JMACE24
Spanish Town JMACE25
Troja JMACE26
Water Mount JMACE28
Waterford JMACE27
Saint Elizabeth Aberdeen JMDEH01
Balaclava JMDEH02
Black River JMDEH03
Braes River JMDEH04
Brighton JMDEH05
Elderslie JMDEH06
Fyffes Pen JMDEH07
Giddy Hall JMDEH08
Junction JMDEH09
Lacovia JMDEH10
Maggotty JMDEH11
Malvern JMDEH12
Middle Quarters JMDEH13
Mountainside JMDEH14
Munroe College JMDEH15
Myersville JMDEH16
Nain JMDEH17
New Market JMDEH18
Pepper JMDEH19
Rose Hall JMDEH20
Santa Cruz JMDEH21
Siloah JMDEH22
Southfield JMDEH23
Springfield JMDEH24
Top Hill JMDEH25
Treasure Beach JMDEH26
Saint James Adelphi JMCJS01
Anchovy JMCJS02
Cambridge JMCJS03
Catadupa JMCJS04
Granville JMCJS05
Half Moon JMCJS06
Hopeton JMCJS07
Johns Hall JMCJS08
Little River JMCJS09
Lottery JMCJS10
Maroon Town JMCJS11
Mont Horeb JMCJS15
Montego Bay JMCJS12
Montego Bay JMCJS13
Montpellier JMCJS14
Point JMCJS16
Reading JMCJS17
Salt Spring JMCJS18
Sign JMCJS19
Somerton JMCJS20
Stonehedge JMCJS21
Welcome Hall JMCJS22
White Sands JMCJS23
Saint Mary Albany JMBMY01
Annotto Bay JMBMY02
Belfield JMBMY03
Bonny Gate JMBMY04
Boscobel JMBMY05
Brainerd JMBMY06
Carron Hall JMBMY07
Castleton JMBMY08
Clonmel JMBMY09
Enfield JMBMY10
Free Hill JMBMY11
Gayle JMBMY12
Guys Hill JMBMY13
Hampstead JMBMY14
Highgate JMBMY15
Islington JMBMY16
Labyrinth JMBMY17
Long Road JMBMY18
Lucky Hill JMBMY19
Oracabessa JMBMY20
Pembroke Hall JMBMY21
Port Maria JMBMY22
Retreat JMBMY23
Richmond JMBMY25
Tower Isle JMBMY24
Union Hill JMBMY26
Saint Thomas Bath JMBTS01
Cedar Valley JMBTS02
Dalvey JMBTS03
Golden Grove JMBTS04
Hagley Gap JMBTS05
Llandewey JMBTS06
Lyssons JMBTS07
Morant Bay JMBTS08
Port Morant JMBTS09
Seaforth JMBTS10
Spring Garden JMBTS11
Sunning Hill JMBTS12
Trinityville JMBTS13
White House JMBTS14
Wilmington JMBTS15
Yallahs JMBTS16
Trelawny Albert Town JMCTY01
Bunkers Hill JMCTY02
Clarks Town JMCTY03
Deeside JMCTY04
Duanvale JMCTY05
Duncans JMCTY06
Falmouth JMCTY07
Hampden JMCTY08
Jackson Town JMCTY09
Lorrimers JMCTY10
Rio Bueno JMCTY11
Sawyers JMCTY12
Sherwood Content JMCTY13
Stewart Town JMCTY14
Troy JMCTY15
Ulster Spring JMCTY16
Wait-a-Bit JMCTY17
Wakefield JMCTY18
Warsop JMCTY19
Westmoreland Beeston Spring JMDWD01
Bethel Town JMDWD02
Bluefields JMDWD03
Carmel JMDWD04
Cave JMDWD05
Cornwall Mountain JMDWD06
Darliston JMDWD07
Friendship JMDWD08
Frome JMDWD09
Glenislay JMDWD10
Grange Hill JMDWD11
Lambs River JMDWD12
Little London JMDWD13
Negril JMDWD14
Petersfield JMDWD15
Saint Leonards JMDWD16
Savanna-La-Mar JMDWD17
Shefield JMDWD18
White House JMDWD19



Postal codes make it easier for the post office to deliver mail by enabling them to know exactly where it should be delivered. This helps reduce the amount of time needed to deliver a letter or parcel from one place to another as well as preventing mistakes that sometimes occur when using postcodes alone (i.e., when sending something incorrectly). We hope the list provided will offer a lot help.


David Atulegwu is a contributor at Flashacademy. His passion for writing can be traced back to his pre-professional days at UNN. He is a Mobile App Developer and a Data Analyst Enthusiast.

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