It is truism that passing WAEC examination is not an easy task. That is why many authors have done everything they can to compile effective tips that will help students to pass WAEC examination.
However, having gone through many articles on how to pass WAEC examination online, it is clear that not all of them are really helpful. For that reason, I have decide to share a more comprehensive guide that will help all 2021/2023 WAEC candidates, pass WAEC 2021/2023 examination excellently.

Thus, if you have been searching for a good tutorial that will help you prepare and pass 2021 WAEC exam, then you are in the right place. Today, I will be sharing with you my “top secrets to pass WAEC examination with good grades in all your subjects“. Trust me, you will not score anything less than a “C” in your WAEC subjects after reading this article, and using the information it provides effectively. So, without wasting much of your time, lets quickly see my ultimate guides to pass 2020 WAEC examination.
Below is a video tutorial on how to pass WAEC examination in just one sitting. I enjoin you to watch this video till the end. It will help you too.
HOW TO PASS WAEC 2021/2023
Below are the tips to pass WAEC Examination excellently:
- Don’t be afraid of WAEC.
- Be zealous to pass.
- Start reading as early as possible.
- Study voraciously.
- Join a WAEC study group.
- Study with WAEC syllabus.
- Work on your handwriting.
- Study past WAEC questions.
- Learn to manage your time.
- Try to understand questions before you answer them.
- Test yourself.
- Avoid distractions.
Yeah! Those are the guides you need to pass WAEC 2021 examination. But wait! I am not going to just end here. In the next section of this article, I will be explaining each of those points listed above. So, if you really want to know more about those guides, I enjoin you to continue reading below.
Must Read:
- How To Answer WAEC questions correctly.
- See The Best Time To Start Preparing For WAEC Examination.
- How To Collect Your Original WAEC GCE Certificate.
1. Don’t be afraid of WAEC:

One of the common mistakes many WAEC candidates make is that they are always afraid of WAEC examination. This is absolutely wrong. In fact, it can make a student to fail WAEC examination even when that student prepared assiduously for the exam. The truth is that, there is no examination you can pass very well with fear in you.
So, if you want to do very well in WAEC examination, you must jettison your fear for the examination. Try to be optimistic and courageous. Don’t allow yourself to be carried away by the terrible experiences people will tell you about WAEC examination. That way, you will pass WAEC examination excellently.
2. Be zealous to pass:

Zeal and enthusiasm are very important to pass WAEC examination. Yes! If you are very zealous, you will do anything possible to pass WAEC examination (the right way). Zeal is what conforms you to study voraciously. It is what helps you to overcome fear for WAEC examination.
Don’t be like those students who always take WAEC examination trivial. Make sure you do your best to pass. If you can do this, other tips in this article will be very easy for you to put into effect.
3. Start reading as early as possible:
Different answers have been given to the question as to which time is the best to start preparing and reading for WAEC examination. While some scholars suggest that the best time to start reading for WAEC examinations is when the commencement of WAEC registration has been announced, some posit that it should be 6months before the examination etc.
Well, there is no particular answer to this question. It depends on the intellectual capacity of the person who want to take the examination. If you need more explanation on the best time to start preparing for WAEC examination, click here to read more.
That notwithstanding, make sure you start preparing as early as you can. Remember, the earlier you start reading, the better chance you will have to pass WAEC.
4. Study voraciously:

Next is to study voraciously. One of the reasons why many students fail WAEC examination today is poor preparation. There is probably no way to pass WAEC examination without studying. This is what some students don’t get. They think they can pass WAEC examination by just entering the examination hall and doing some magic.
No! It is impossible to pass WAEC examination without reading very hard. Even if you are one of those students that want to write WAEC examination in a miracle center, i advise you to read very hard because, you never can tell what will happen in the examination hall. Though, I do not support the fact that a student should write in a miracle center, but if you have already paid in that place, please make sure you read very hard. That is the only way to make your success in WAEC consolidated.
Also Read: See The Price For NECO Examination Registration this year.
5. Study with WAEC syllabus:

WAEC syllabus is another useful material you need to prepare and pass WAEC examination excellently. I agree with the fact that WAEC ask questions from every topic taught in school. But that those not make WAEC syllabus useless. I mean, if it were useless, WAEC would not have released it themselves. Now the true is that, in every WAEC syllabus, WAEC often give subtopics for every topic they list.
Those subtopics are where questions come from mostly. So, to prepare for those questions, you have to get your WAEC syllabus and study them with your books too. Meanwhile, it is important to note that this syllabus is not compulsory to pass WAEC examination. If you don’t have enough money to get it, then you can leave it. But note that if you can get it, it will go a long way to help you to pass WAEC examination.
6. Join a WAEC study group:

It has been evidently proven that study groups help a lot of student to understand very effectively. This is why I personally recommend a study group to pass WAEC examination. Trust me; I am not just guessing this out. When I took my WAEC exam in 2017, most of the papers I passed excellently were as a result of the study group I join online.
At the beginning, you may not know that you are indirectly helping yourself. It is when you enter your examination hall that you will know how effective it is to study in group. So, if you really want to pass 2021 WAEC exam, I enjoin you to join a study group today. No doubt, it is a working guide to pass WAEC examination.
7. Work on your handwriting:

Unlike some examinations, WAEC is an exam to be handwritten. This is the reason why you really have to work on your handwriting before taking WAEC. The central message here is that, since WAEC is handwritten, you are supposed to improve in the eligibility of your handwriting so that the person, who will mark it, will not find it difficult to mark. In some cases, teachers who mark WAEC examination papers, give marks for good handwriting and fail those whose handwriting cannot be seen.
So, if don’t want to fail unnecessarily in WAEC, I advise you to work on the eligibility of your handwriting. That will go a long way to help you pass WAEC examination.
Must Read: See WAEC Date, Price And How To Register Without Mistakes
8. Study past WAEC questions:

Past questions are always necessary for every examination. Well, WAEC examination is not an exception to this rule. If you really want to pass WAEC exam, you must go through all your WAEC past questions. This is so because, most of the time, WAEC repeat their previously asked question. Even English comprehension passages are repeated too. For me, this is indeed a tentative tips to help you pass WAEC examination excellently. All you have to do, is to study WAEC past questions very well.
However, it is important to note that WAEC will not ask those past questions directly. They will do all they can to twist the question. So don’t just cram the past questions, try to understand each of those past questions very well.
9. Learn to manage your time:

Time management is one of the vital things very examination candidate must take note of. In WAEC examination, a minimum of 2hours is given for every subject. However, in some subjects like French, Igbo and Yoruba, less time is given to students. If you are unable to finish up your questions before the stoppage time, you may not be given more time to write. This is apparently why you need to manage your time. Make sure that you finish up your questions 30minutes before the stoppage time. This will help you to revise your work and check for corrections.
Nevertheless, if you are one of those who are always slow in writing, I enjoin you to start practicing how to manage your time now. It is very important if you want to pass 2020 WAEC examination.
Must Read: See how combine WAEC and NECO results for admission in Nigeria.
10. Try to understand questions before you answer them:

It is always important to understand questions before attempting to answer them. Have too ever wondered why some students will be rejoicing after their WAEC examinations, but when the results are out, they will be crying because they failed? It is always because they didn’t care to understand the questions they were answering during the examination. WAEC questions are becoming perplexing every day. If you don’t take you time to understand questions, you will find it very difficult to pass.
In light of the above, it is very important to go through your question carefully before answering them. If it is possible, read each question twice. Trust me; this will go a long way to help you pass WAEC examination excellently.
11. Test yourself:
Reading alone cannot make you pass WAEC examination. Those who have written WAEC examination before can attest to this. Sometimes, when students are told that WAEC examination is 2hours 30minutes, they become happy; thinking that there is enough time to write everything they read. But this is not absolutely true.

You may be thinking that you have enough time but in reality, that time is not enough. This is the main reason why you must test yourself and know whether you can really manage your time and pass WAEC examination. More so, if you test yourself before WAEC examination, you will be able to tell where your weaknesses are. From that, you will also know how to improve yourself better for the examination. So you see, it is very important to test yourself before WAEC examination. Don’t just cram everything. Try to make it practical.
12. Avoid distractions:

Distraction is something that will definitely come to impede your preparation to pass WAEC examination. But you must always avoid it if you want to really pass WAEC. When I was preparing for my WAEC examination in 2017, my major source of distraction, were my friends. I did all I could to stop them then because I needed to read voraciously and pass my WAEC examination.
For you, it may not be your friends. It may be your Job, Parents or something. Just try to avoid all distractions because, WAEC examination is not an examination to take trivia. If you want to pass, you must be serious about the examination.
Wrapping Up
Those are the top secrets you need to prepare and pass WAEC examination. Note that I will update this article as soon as I compile more tips that will help you to pass WAEC examination.
Meanwhile, I enjoin you to make good use of the information contained in this article effectively. I am very optimistic that they will help you to pass WAEC examination excellently. Thanks for reading.
Youre welcome
Thanks,please can l have your number
Yes sure, contact me through the contact us page
Thanks it was really helpful
am glad you found it helpful
Hi am ayomide
This is really helpful ?
Am glad you found it helpful ?
Hello am Judith
I hope it to be helpful for me
Wow that nice
Thank a lot I really appreciate it
You’re welcome Esther
That good and nice I pray it helps me with my Waec
This is nice
You’re welcome olamide, I ma glad you liked it