Zip & Postal Code

Saint Lucia Postal Codes


Saint Lucia is an island nation in the Caribbean Sea, located between Martinique and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It has a population of 160,000 (2016 estimate), with the majority of people residing on the island of Saint Lucia.

The island nation of Saint Lucia is part of the Commonwealth of Nations and a member of the British-speaking community. It is located in the eastern Caribbean Sea, southeast of Martinique, north-northwest of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and west-southwest of Barbados.


Saint Lucia Postal Codes

The capital city is Castries. The official language is English and French, with a local dialect.



The currency is the East Caribbean dollar (EC$).

Famed for its spectacular volcanic mountain peaks, white powdery sand beaches and tropical rainforests, Saint Lucia is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. The island’s popularity as a tourist destination has grown in recent years due to its reputation as an eco-friendly destination and its friendly people who are always willing to help visitors find their way around.


Saint Lucia Postal Codes

Anse la Raye

Anse la Raye is a town in north-western Dominica in the Saint George Parish. It is located on the western coast of the island, close to Canefield Airport and La Plaine. The town has a population of 3,200 people and is popular with tourists.

Anse la Raye has a warm tropical climate with little seasonal variation in temperature. The average temperature ranges from 23 °C (73 °F) in July to 28 °C (82 °F) in February, with an annual average of 26.5 °C (80.5 °F).


There are three main beaches at Anse la Raye: Anse Quarry Beach, which has white sand; Anse Toc Versailles Beach, which has black sand; and Anse Miremont Beach which is rocky. The area around the town features many scenic views of mountains and valleys as well as plenty of rainforests and rivers for kayaking or hiking trips.

Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Anse la Raye village 13 m LC08 101 View map
Au Tabor 86 m LC08 105 View map
Au Tabor Hill 134 m LC08 105 View map
Caico 61 m LC08 402 View map
Invorgoil Estate 15 m LC08 104 View map
Jacmel 96 m LC08 301 View map
Massacre 109 m LC08 102 View map
Millet 122 m LC08 401 View map
Morne Ciseaux 124 m LC08 302 View map
Morne d’Or 43 m LC08 502 View map
Roseau Valley 7 m LC08 303 View map
Tet Chemin 290 m LC08 404 View map
Vanard 25 m LC08 501 View map
Venus 317 m LC08 403 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Anse Galet 60 m LC08 103 View map
Anse La Verdue 266 m LC08 202 View map
Belvedere 226 m LC08 203 View map
Canaries village 71 m LC08 201 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Agard Lands 155 m LC03 101 View map
Babonneau 175 m LC02 101 View map
Bagatelle 86 m LC05 207 View map
Balata 53 m LC02 201 View map
Barnard Hill 21 m LC04 205 View map
Barre St Joseph 184 m LC07 105 View map
Belair 47 m LC07 204 View map
Bexon 60 m LC06 201 View map
Bisee 37 m LC02 502 View map
Bishop’s Gap 54 m LC05 204 View map
Bocage 159 m LC05 101 View map
Bois Patat 65 m LC04 102 View map
Cabiche 137 m LC02 202 View map
Cacoa Girard 124 m LC05 104 View map
Carellie 113 m LC03 204 View map
Castries City 9 m LC04 302 View map
Cedars 52 m LC04 115 View map
Chabotsunbilt   LC04 114 View map
Chase Gardens 134 m LC03 205 View map
Chassin 111 m LC02 402 View map
Chaussee Road   LC04 101 View map
Choc 10 m LC02 503 View map
Ciceron 68 m LC06 104 View map
City Gate 64 m LC03 202 View map
Conway 12 m LC04 201 View map
Coubaril 111 m LC06 105 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Belle Vue 334 m LC10 104 View map
Caffiere 155 m LC10 106 View map
Cedar Heights 48 m LC12 104 View map
Choiseul village 11 m LC10 101 View map
Dacretin 174 m LC10 108 View map
Debreuil 196 m LC10 201 View map
Delcer 228 m LC10 102 View map
Derriere Morne 277 m LC12 111 View map
Dugard 303 m LC10 107 View map
Fiette 65 m LC10 111 View map
Gia Bois 219 m LC10 306 View map
Industry 98 m LC10 118 View map
La Pointe 74 m LC10 119 View map
Lamaze 325 m LC10 204 View map
Le Riche 66 m LC10 116 View map
Martin 130 m LC10 117 View map
Mon Tete 414 m LC10 202 View map
Monzie 299 m LC10 307 View map
Morne Jacques 400 m LC10 114 View map
Morne Sion 120 m LC10 115 View map
Ponyon 256 m LC10 112 View map
Ravineau 293 m LC10 109 View map
Reunion 70 m LC10 113 View map
River Doree 49 m LC10 203 View map
Robleau 318 m LC10 205 View map
Savannes George/Constitution Park 28 m LC10 308 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Anse Cannot 11 m LC16 105 View map
Aux Lyons   LC17 201 View map
Belmont 130 m LC17 103 View map
Bois Joli 110 m LC16 106 View map
Delaide 50 m LC17 407 View map
Dennery 6 m LC16 101 View map
Derniere Riviere 41 m LC17 101 View map
Despinoze 107 m LC17 202 View map
Errard 112 m LC16 102 View map
Gadette 189 m LC17 301 View map
Grande Ravine 89 m LC17 406 View map
La Caye 19 m LC17 404 View map
La Pointe 65 m LC16 104 View map
La Ressource 17 m LC17 302 View map
Mabouya Valley   LC17 401 View map
Morne Panache 132 m LC17 405 View map
Over The Bridge   LC16 103 View map
Riche Fond 34 m LC17 403 View map
Thamazo 113 m LC17 402 View map
Ti Gadette   LC17 303 View map
Ti La Ressource   LC17 304 View map

Gros Islet

Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Americ 302 m LC02 106 View map
Baywalk   LC01 601 View map
Boguis 32 m LC02 301 View map
Bois d’Orange 6 m LC01 503 View map
Bois d’Orange/Trouya 39 m LC01 404 View map
Bonneterre 42 m LC01 402 View map
Bonneterre Gardens 55 m LC01 105 View map
Cap Estate 24 m LC01 104 View map
Cas En Bas 37 m LC01 106 View map
Caye Manger 17 m LC01 305 View map
Choc Bridge   LC01 504 View map
Corinth 24 m LC01 505 View map
Des Barras 171 m LC02 102 View map
Desrameaux 133 m LC02 104 View map
East Winds 30 m LC01 507 View map
Garrand 150 m LC02 103 View map
Grande Riviere 70 m LC01 201 View map
Gros Islet Town 8 m LC01 101 View map
La Brellotte 154 m LC01 506 View map
La Guerre 166 m LC02 107 View map
Lafeuille 45 m LC01 303 View map
Marisule 45 m LC01 501 View map
Marquis Estate 13 m LC02 302 View map
Massade 7 m LC01 103 View map
Monchy 124 m LC01 301 View map
Mongiraud 32 m LC01 502 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Balenbouche 53 m LC10 105 View map
Banse La Grace 201 m LC11 102 View map
Beausoleil   LC10 305 View map
Daban 295 m LC10 302 View map
Fond Berange 162 m LC11 105 View map
Jetrine   LC10 303 View map
La Haut 230 m LC11 104 View map
Laborie 6 m LC11 101 View map
Mon Repos Hill   LC11 103 View map
Piaye 33 m LC11 106 View map
Saltibus 303 m LC10 301 View map
Tete Morne 49 m LC10 304 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Anse Ger 64 m LC14 204 View map
Beauchamp 32 m LC14 102 View map
Canelles 18 m LC12 206 View map
Chique 90 m LC14 205 View map
Desruisseaux 112 m LC14 201 View map
Dugard 64 m LC15 103 View map
Escap 67 m LC15 102 View map
Gomier 233 m LC14 202 View map
La Courville 91 m LC14 105 View map
La Pointe 115 m LC15 205 View map
Lombard 171 m LC15 206 View map
Mahaut 155 m LC15 105 View map
Malgretoute 52 m LC15 204 View map
Micoud Village   LC15 101 View map
Mon Repos 89 m LC15 201 View map
Moreau 145 m LC14 101 View map
Myette Gardens 15 m LC15 104 View map
Patience 119 m LC15 203 View map
Praslin 48 m LC15 202 View map
Spring Road   LC14 203 View map
Ti Rocher 110 m LC14 104 View map


Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Baron’s Drive 23 m LC09 107 View map
Bois d’Inde 437 m LC09 205 View map
Bouton 205 m LC09 102 View map
Esperance 451 m LC09 204 View map
Etangs 334 m LC09 103 View map
Fond St Jacues 432 m LC09 201 View map
Mighny 369 m LC09 202 View map
Myers Bridge 359 m LC09 104 View map
Palmiste 22 m LC09 106 View map
Ravine Claire 396 m LC09 105 View map
Soufrière Town 9 m LC09 101 View map
St Phillip 285 m LC09 203 View map

Vieux Fort

Locality Elevation Postal Code Map
Augier 110 m LC12 108 View map
Aupicon 62 m LC13 105 View map
Beane Field 11 m LC12 202 View map
Beausejour 26 m LC12 203 View map
Belle Vue 177 m LC13 102 View map
Black Bay 27 m LC12 109 View map
Cacoa 126 m LC13 108 View map
Cantonement 66 m LC12 106 View map
Carierre 119 m LC13 104 View map
Catin 156 m LC12 103 View map
Demailly 132 m LC13 106 View map
Fond Joyeux 83 m LC13 109 View map
Gablewoods   LC12 101 View map
Grace 142 m LC12 102 View map
Jq Plaza   LC12 301 View map
La Tourney 103 m LC12 105 View map
Morne Vert 157 m LC12 107 View map
Moule à Chique 105 m LC12 204 View map
New Dock Road   LC12 205 View map
Pierrot 166 m LC13 101 View map
St Jude 71 m LC12 110 View map
Vevancelle 302 m LC13 103 View map
Vieux Fort 8 m LC12 201 View map
Vigier 90 m LC13 107 View map


Postal codes were introduced in Saint Lucia to facilitate the process of delivering mail more efficiently. These postal codes increase the speed of delivery, allows for accurate reporting, and helps those handling post office deliveries to direct packages where they need to go.

 We hope all the Saint Lucia postal codes are helpful for your reference. These are for use online, over the phone and in person at any of their postal branches.


David Atulegwu is a contributor at Flashacademy. His passion for writing can be traced back to his pre-professional days at UNN. He is a Mobile App Developer and a Data Analyst Enthusiast.

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