UK News UK Politics

Tower block residents: slams brexit Day poster telling neighbors to speak English

WIKI DAILY__A UK tower block residents have denied association to a xenophobic poster in their apartment block ordering people in the building to speak English following Brexit.


Roger Blackwell, a 68 years old man, told reporters “you don’t want to give these people attention” after the “Happy Brexit Day” sign was seen on several fire doors in his building, Winchester Tower in Norwich, Friday. He said he thought someone “energized” by Brexit and “probably a fascist” had put it up.

Local Police are currently 0n the trail and investigating the poster which was spotted just hours before the UK left the European Union at 11 p.m. Friday, has been attacked as “racist” on social media. The poster said “we finally have our great country back” and people wanting to speak other languages should return to their home countries and give their apartment back to the local authority “so they can let British people live here and we can return to what was normality before you infected this once great island.”


“Residents received a letter Saturday from Lee Robson, head of neighborhood housing at Norwich City Council, which read: “Some of you will be aware that there was an incident yesterday where someone put an unaceptable [sic] and offensive poster in Winchester Tower.”Robson said the caretaker had swiftly removed the poster and remained on site to “monitor the situation and offer reassurance.”

A resident (Blackwell) said, had not seen the poster before he received the council’s letter. “I was surprised,” he said. “The building is quiet, it’s a quiet street.”He said the block was “pretty self-contained” and he did not often see people. “With Brexit, it’s energized these people to come out of their homes.”You don’t want to give these people attention. In some ways, it’d be better buried.”He said people were “taking advantage” of the political situation. “I think it’ll die down.”Blackwell said that after the UK voted to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum “they were energized then, and it did die down.


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