This is the official WAEC Timetable for 2021.
Is WAEC 2021 Timetable Out? We are pleased to inform the public especially candidates who will be writing the 2021 West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) that the updated timetable 2021/2023 is out.
According to the timetable, the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for school candidates, The WAEC 2021 examination will commence on Monday, August 16, 2021.
Also, Read; Latest WAEC Marking scheme 2021/2023

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) 2021 timetable for the May/June examinations (for school candidates) is out.
The WASSCE timetable is extremely important for candidates to enable them to become alert and well-prepared in advance for the exams.
According to the timetable, the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for school candidates, 2021, will commence on 16th August 2021 and will end on 8th October 2021.
Is WAEC Timetable 2021 Out?
This is to inform the general public especially candidates preparing to sit for the West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) that the West African Examination Council (WAEC) have released the updated and final waec timetable 2021.
* Available to candidates in Ghana only
** Available to candidates in Nigeria only
*** Available to candidates in The Gambia and Sierra Leone only
**** Available to candidates in Liberia only.
WAEC 2021/2023 Timetable [Updated]
WAEC Timetable 2021: The 2021 West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) updated timetable is finally out.
Scroll Left ⇐ To See The Full Table
Tuesday 17th August 2021 | Nigerian Language(Igbo, Hausa & Yoruba)(Essay & OBJ) | 9:30am – 11:30am |
Wednesday 18th August 2021 | Marketing – Essay &OBJ | 9:30am – 12:20pm |
Thursday 19th August 2021 | Data Processing – Essay& OBJ | 9:30am – 12:30pm |
Thursday 26th August 2021 | Civic Education – Essay& OBJ | 9:30am – 12:30pm |
Thursday 2nd September 2021 | Financial Accounting –Essay & OBJ | 9:30am – 1:00pm |
Wednesday 8th September 2021 | Agricultural Science Practical | 9:30am – 11:00am |
Friday 10th September 2021 | Biology – Essay & OBJCommerce Essay & OBJ | 9:30am – 12:00pm3:00pm – 5:50pm |
Monday 13th September 2021 | English Lang – Essay &OBJ English Lang – Test of Orals | 9:30am – 12:30pm 3:00pm – 3:45pm |
Tuesday 14th September 2021 | Chemistry Practical(Alt.A) | 9:30am – 11:30am |
Wednesday 15th September 2021 | Physics – Essay & OBJ | 9:30am – 12:15pm |
Thursday 16th September 2021 | Lit-In-Eng (Prose & OBJ)Lit-In-English (Drama &Poetry) | 9:30am – 10:45am2:00pm – 4:30pm |
Friday 17th September 2021 | Biology Practical (Alt.A) | 9:30am – 11:30am |
Monday 20th September 2021 | General Mathematics 2(Essay)General Mathematics 1(OBJ) | 9:30am – 12:00pm3:00pm – 4:30pm |
Wednesday 22nd September 2021 | Government (Essay &OBJ) | 9:30am – 12:30pm |
Thursday 23rd September 2021 | Economics – Essay &OBJAgric Science – Essay &OBJ | 9:30am – 12:30pm2:00pm – 5:00pm |
Friday 24th September 2021 | Physics Practical (Alt.A) | 9:30am – 12:15am |
Tuesday 28th September 2021 | CRS – Essay & OBJChemistry – Essay &OBJ | 9:30am – 12:30am2:00pm – 5:00pm |
Thursday 30th September 2021 | Geography – Essay &OBJGeography (Practical &Physical ) | 9:30am – 12:30am2:00pm – 3:50pm |
Important Notes about WAEC 2021 timetable:
- The difference in Time on Question Paper and Timetable: Where the duration indicated on the question paper differs from that on the timetable, the one on the question paper should be followed.
- Question Papers to be Given Out in Advance of the Dates They Are to be Taken
- Visual Art 3;
- Paper 3A – Instructions will be given to schools two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.
- Paper 3B – Question paper will be given to candidates two weeks before it is due to be taken.
- ” 3C – Candidates will be required to execute their projects within six months of the examination year. The period of submission of art pieces will be communicated to schools by the Council.
- General Knowledge-In-Art Paper 3; The question paper for General Knowledge-In-Art 3 will be given to candidates two weeks before the paper is due to be taken.
- Block Laying, Bricklaying, and Concrete Works 3 (Practical); Question paper will be given to candidates three days before the paper is due to be taken.
- Project Work Papers; The question papers for project work for Basketry, Graphic Design, Leatherwork, Ceramics, Sculpture, Picture Making, Textiles, Jewelry, Painting & Decoration, Dyeing & Bleaching and Leather Goods Manufacturing & Repair will be forwarded to candidates two weeks in advance of the examination. The exact date for the delivery of question papers to candidates will be communicated to them through their schools.
- Visual Art 3;
- Extra Time for Blind, Deaf, and Dumb Candidates: Blind, deaf, and dumb candidates should be allowed one and half times the time allotted to other candidates.
Also, Read; 2021 WAEC GCE Registration Form, Starting, and Closing date
I know all WAEC candidate wishes to pass WAEC at one sitting. But the problem is are you willing to read and make good grades or are you waiting for WAEC expo. I will advise you to not involve your self in any WAEC malpractice.
Here is some trick you can use to pass your 2021 WAEC. Making good use of the WAEC syllabus will help you a lot in passing the 2021 WAEC. When you have a WAEC time table and syllabus you can now make your reading timetable.
With the timetable, you made for your self you can now be able to study ahead, before the examination day. And don’t forget to make good use of WAEC past questions, Past questions help a lot in passing WAEC.
2021 WAEC registration and exam date have already been decided. WAEC 2021 registration begins around November 2020 and ends on January 30th, 2021. The WAEC Examination date for the year 2021 is April 2021.
The West African Examinations Council e-Registration System is a user-friendly online registration package for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination. It allows School schools in Nigeria to register their candidates online through the Internet.
The WAEC e-Registration service makes registration easier for the schools and also eliminates errors in registration information which are hitherto made on paper and only detected while processing the paper forms by WAEC. Such documents as Timetable and Syllabus for the examination could easily be printed or downloaded by the School Authorities.
This manual for WAEC e-registration covers the following details:
Ø Payment for the examination
Ø Identification of Examination Officer
Ø Registration of Candidates
Ø Reviewing/Editing of Candidates Information
Ø Generation of Examination Numbers
Ø Downloading of Information
Ø Offline Registration
Although you will not have to visit the WAEC portal to do the registration yourself as a student, yet you may want to know how the registration portal looks and the steps your center take to carry out WAEC e-Registration.
- Launch your favorite web browser.
- Visit
- On this website, click on the “May/June Examinations” icon.
- Your school will have to sign in as a new user.
- The examination enters the necessary details like center number, candidates WAEC passport, subject of candidates, name, and surname of candidates.
- Click on the “Checkbox” by the affirmation statement to affirm that all the entries including the attached passport photograph are correct.
- You can then download the syllabus, timetable, and registration template.
- Then the registration process continues.
The following information would be on the website so that candidate could read them before
completing their entries.
(1) Candidates should note that examination fees are not refundable.
(2) Candidates are to start their Registration by emailing their fingerprints.
(3) Entries must be accompanied with good quality (not “wait and get”) passport size photographs.
Entries with unacceptable passport photographs will be rejected.
(4) Registration pin/code purchased in any location can be used for uploading entries from anywhere.
(5) Candidates should study carefully, the information on the website before registration.
(6) Candidates should study the Regulations and Syllabuses as well as the Timetable for the examination which they can download on the website
(7) Candidates who lose their registration pin/code will purchase another card.
(8) All candidates must go to their examination halls in mufti and without arms. No professional uniform of any kind will be allowed in the examination halls.
(9) The entire results of candidates who make more than one entry will be canceled.
(10) Smoking is not allowed in the examination hall.
(11) Cellular phones and electronic organizers are not allowed in the examination halls.
(12) Involvement in examination malpractices is not allowed in the examination halls.
(13) No request for amendment/correction will be entertained or any information which the candidate voluntarily gives at the point of registration after the conduct of the examination.
This is All we have to say for now on the Correct WAEC 2021 Timetable And PDF, if you have any doubt or questions about WAEC 2021 timetable, do not hesitate to ask using the comment section below.
thanks for this admin