
How to Poke Someone on Facebook


What Is A Facebook Poke?

A facebook poke is a contextless feature that allows Facebook users to take a jab at each other.


Digitally, this trend is a little bit outdated and not much Facebook users knows of it’s existence.


Basically, poking is a text-less, Image-less, and non symbolic form of jab.



There was a time that this feature trended so much on the social Media platform. This led to it’s deployment by Facebook – which till date is still present across all variants and versions of facebook.


It runs on the circle of a forward-backward exchange of contactless and impactless actions between two users.



Clearly, as it stands, poking seems to be a forgotten feature in facebook. Infact, majority of Facebook users has claimed that they don’t know anything about it’s existence while a few that were still veterans on social media at the time the feature was trending labelled it a boring and a flirting form of disturbing.



Is Facebook Poking Still Relevant?

Since poking is an old feature on Facebook, there is a high probability that most of the new generation Facebook users don’t actually know if the activity existed.



Facebook users aired their view on it and predictably, majority of viewers  counter-supported the feature.


Few who stood for the feature believed it be a form of fun-orientated activity that eliminated boredom and social apathy in the platform.



Sincerely speaking, poking is a kind of communication on Facebook in which the receiver does not understand the intention or purpose of the sender.


This to some people was vague, null and meaningless. Majority of facebook users who aired their opinion believed that the feature was much inclined on creating boring and unpredictable moods and swings.


Despite this, the feature still remains as a bonafide component of Facebook.



How To Poke Someone On Facebook


Poking is always done from a user profile page. Before now, the poking button had a position at the top of Facebook page.


But presently, it is located behind a menu – where it is hidden from public view.


Irrespective of whether you are navigating facebook via your personal mobile desktop or smartphone, you can still access this feature.


It just need you to follow these 3 steps that will be listed below. They are:


Step 1

Log on to your Facebook account and visit the profile page of the person you want to poke.


Step 2

Tap on the three dotted menu button area and a page will appear.


Step 3

On this page, you will see the “poke” button. Click on it and wait for a poking confirmation which is normally sent via a pop-up. This will send a poke to the bearer of the profile and that is all for that.


Furthermore, you can only use the poke button once: that is, If the receiver is not responding, facebook will not allow you to send in another poke until a reply (a poke back) is sent. Imperatively, this make it a spam-free feature.


Will There Be A Facebook Poke Resurgency?

Apparently, this will be entirely dependent on the agreement between facebook users and the management of facebook.


Presently, additional greeting and fun features like the like button, feeling, mode and the rest of it’s compatriots has done a great job in sparking conversation with a sense of intent.


While this features are still available, poking will not find it easy to get back as a facebook elite feature.


According to reports, facebook is planning on implementing the feature again on it’s platform for users.


if this plan will be brought to reality, the poking button will be found on the message button on a user’s profile. This will ease it’s access and improve it’s viewability.


As things stands, a facebook poke rebirth is a possibility as it is unrealistic. However, re-introducing this feature back again on the platform will definitely spark a worldwide reaction.


What do you think of the facebook poke feature? Are you for or against it’s rebirth?


Let’s hear from you in the comment section.


Princewill Ubaha is an electrical engineer by profession, a content writer by perspiration, and an Akwa Ibomite by birth. He always believed that the habit of persistence is the habit of victory.

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