Education Guides

Examination Malpractice In Nigeria: Causes, Effects & Solutions

In this article, I will comprehensively discuss the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria. In details, I will explicitly typify the definition of examination malpractice, the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria, effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria and finally, I will proffer some effective solutions to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria. So, if you have been searching for a well articulated and organized article on “Examination malpractice in Nigeria”, then you are in the right place. In enjoin you to read painstakingly, as i take the lead.



Nigeria’s education system is that which has been greatly hampered by examination malpractice. Today, there is probably no examination that can be totally confirmed malpractice-free because, the act of examination malpractice is no longer given a sour look by the government, parents and even school teachers. This has apparently contributed greatly to the decline of Nigeria’s standard of education internationally.


Meanwhile, before I continue on this topic, lets quickly see the meaning of the phrase “Examination malpractice”. This will help you understand rapidly, when i move to other parts of this article.

Meaning of examination malpractice

According to the advance learner’s dictionary, the word “malpractice” means illegal, corrupt, or careless professional behavior. Also, the Encarta Dictionary defines it as a “professional misconduct”, which is an illegal, unethical, negligent, or immoral behavior by somebody in a professional or official position.

From the above, Examination malpractice can be rightly defined as illegal, unacceptable and intentional behaviors of an examination candidate, to enable him/her pass the examination excellently. It is also worthy to note that examination malpractice can be of various forms. The forms of examination malpractice are the different ways of carrying out malpractice in an examination. They include;

Carrying of extraneous materials into examination hall:

This is where an examination candidate, brings in materials that are prohibited to the examination hall, in other to enable him/her access answers to the examination questions. These materials may include; textbooks, notebooks, mathematical set, calculator etc.



Giraffing is another popular form of examination malpractice in Nigeria today. Here an examination candidate only needs to copy from the work of another examination candidate in the examination hall. It is always easy to use this method when there is no proper spacing in the examination hall.


Impersonation is another popular form of examination malpractice used by students in external examination (Examination outside normal school examination). Here, an examination candidate will be replaced by another person who is not supposed to take the examination.

Bribing of invigilators to get answer:

Another way through which examination malpractice is carried out by students, is bribery. Some students go to the extent of bribing exam invigilators with money, so that they can get answers to the examination questions.

Writing on body parts:

In Nigeria, one of the ways exam candidates engage in examination malpractice is by witting on their body parts. They may decide to write down formulas/answers on their hands, legs or head with the intention of using it in the examination hall to pass.


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Having looked at the definition of examination malpractice and the different forms of examination malpractice in Nigeria, It is wise to discuss the various causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria today. These causes will eventually be used to proffer solutions to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria in this article.

Causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria

Bad home training:

Bad home training is probably the major cause of examination malpractice in Nigeria today. Parents who fail to bring up their children the right way, end up contributing to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria. This is because, any child who is always supported by his/her parents when engaging in malpractice, will never see examination malpractice as something that should not be practiced.

Remember the proverbial saying that charity begins at home. Anything a child dose in school, is directly a result of what he/she was thought at home. And it is the obligation of the parents to checkmate the activities of their child/children at home.
Indeed, it is evident that irresponsible parenthood is one of the most contributing causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

Poor preparation before examination:

There is no doubt that examination malpractice is a last resort to only students who did not prepare before taking their examinations. Apparently, students will seldom think of engaging in examination malpractice if they prepare properly for their examination. Thus, it is right to say that poor preparation before examinations is also one of the most contribution causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

This is largely true, as it has been shown that the percentage of students who prepare properly for examination like WAEC is only 59%. Obviously, this is very poor. It is the reason why many students engage in examination malpractice to pass the examination.

No government agency to fight examination malpractice:

Another reason for examination malpractice in Nigeria is the lack of an effective government agency to combat malpractice. This is where I personally blame the Nigerian government for examination malpractice. Just as there is the EFCC (Economic and Financial Crime Commission) that fight against corruption in Nigeria, if the government establish a tentative agency to take down examination malpractice in every part of the country, then the problem of examination malpractice will not be that much today. This is why I stated before, that the government of Nigeria has not given a sour look to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

Low salaries/incentives:

One of the forms of examination malpractice I emphasized on was “Bribing of invigilators to get answers to examination question”. This form of examination malpractice is fostered by law salaries paid to teachers. Most times teachers do not like helping students to engage in examination malpractice. But because they will be paid heavily if they engage in the act, they are left with no choice than to do so.

For this reason, the law salary and incentives given to teachers and invigilators, pushes them to help students in examination malpractice. The truth is that, nobody loves doing bad thing. But where it is the only option left to make more money most people are likely to do bad things.


Greed has been one of the problems of Nigeria from the beginning. In my own opinion, it is a personal problem that affects the whole society. Greed is indeed, one of the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria. Though, it is true that many teachers will jettison examination malpractice if they are paid very well, that that may not stop greedy teachers and invigilators to engage in malpractice. Yes! A greedy person is one who is never contented with what he/she has. So, no matter what you offer as salary to a greedy teacher or invigilator, he/she will continue to engage in examination malpractice.

In light of this, greed is indeed a potential cause of examination malpractice in Nigeria today.

Now that we have discussed some of the most contributing causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria, we will be looking at the possible effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria if the problem is not solved.


Effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria

Below are the possible effects of examination malpractice in Nigeria:

Notorious education system:

Even at the time this article was written, Nigeria is already known as a country with bad education system to the outside world. One of the reasons for this is because of the high rate of examination malpractice that is fostered in our education system. It has gotten to the extent that no foreigner comes to Nigeria to study. This is as a result of the high rate of examination malpractice practiced in Nigeria.

Dearth of professionals:

Examination malpractice will definitely lead to the dearth of professional in Nigeria, since almost every university graduate, graduated from school by engaging in examination malpractice. Thus there will seldom be graduates who are truly professionals in their field. This will also make the idea of “educated illiterate” conceivable.

Increase in death rate:

Examination malpractice will indirectly increase death rate in the country, as there will lack of professionals in different fields of study. Take for instance, when a country like Nigeria lacks good medical doctors who can take good care of accident victims, what do you think will happen to those accident victims? They will either die or end up in a worst condition they should not have been, had a good doctors came to treat them.

Increase in corruption:

Another possible effect of examination malpractice in Nigeria is an increase in the rate of corruption. When student find it difficult to pass examinations the right way, they will also find it very difficult to lead other people the right way. Illegality will always play in their life. Even when they are asked to manage the affairs of small organizations, they will always act in a way that is not acceptable. Somehow, they will turn out to become corruption perpetrators. Trust me; this is how corruption started in Nigeria. From little examination malpractice, to big time corruption.

Solutions to the problem of examination in Nigeria

Having taken a clear look at the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria, its forms, causes and effects, I will now proffer my tentative solution to the problem of examination malpractice in Nigeria.

Following the fact that we have been able to pick point the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria, I will reverse each of the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria about because, they are evidently the most effective solutions to examination malpractice in Nigeria today. So what are the solutions to examination malpractice in Nigeria?

Good home training:

Just as bad home training can make examination candidates to engage in examination malpractice, good home training by parents can go a long way to reduce the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria. If parents can inculcate into their children, that malpractice is bad, there will apparently be less number of student who will want to engage in examination malpractice.

Creation of an agency to fight malpractice:

Also, if the government of Nigeria can create a very reliable agency, that will be sole bent on fighting examination malpractice, then there will be a great decrease in the rate of examination malpractice too. Yes! This point has been concurred to, by many scholars. If the government can do this, there will be no way for students to engage in examination malpractice again.

Proper preparation before examination:

I have stated that the reason why many examination candidates resort to examination malpractice is because, they failed to prepare when they are supposed to do so. In light of that, if candidates can learn to prepare assiduously for their examination, there won’t be any need for examination malpractice. This is basically on the side of every examination candidate to play.

Good salary and incentives to teachers:

It is true that most teachers collect bribe for examination malpractice, but you will agree with me that if almost all the teachers and invigilators in schools are paid very well, there will definitely be a drop in the number of teachers/invigilators that will do that again. Thus, one of the tentative solutions to examination malpractice, is for the government to pay school teachers and invigilators very well. That will go a long way to deter them from engaging or fostering the act of examination malpractice.

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Wrapping Up:

Just as I have stated, the problem of examination is indeed a serious one. It is a problem that is capable of endangering the lives of every Nigerian, if tentative actions are not taken to stop or drastically reduce the act in Nigeria’s education system.

To a very large extend, I believe that the solutions proffered above will go a long way to reduce the rate of examination malpractice in Nigeria. This is where I will draw the cotton for now. Nevertheless, I promise to update this article as soon as I get more working points on how to combat examination malpractice in Nigeria. Hope you enjoyed this article? Tell me what you thing using the comment section.


2 Replies to “Examination Malpractice In Nigeria: Causes, Effects & Solutions

  1. You said it all, really a nice and useful piece of information. I am glad that you shared this helpful information with us. We really need to find a way to stop examination malpractice in Nigeria .Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for the article.
    I am one of those that maintain a zero tolerance for examination malpractices stance.
    I think we may need to walk together and project our voices more until we are heard in quarters that matter.

    This evil is doing more harm than good.
    A concerted effort will go a long way.

    Opened for collaboration.
    Samuel Fatola – Educator and conference host.

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