Education Guides

How To Prepare & Pass Post UTME Examination : 2021 Post UTME Guide

Do you want to pass 2021/2023 post UTME of any school in Nigeria? If yes, then you are in the right place. Today I will teach you some tentative tips on how to prepare for Post UTME of any university or polytechnic in Nigeria. I enjoin you to read painstakingly, as I will highlight the ultimate preparation tips to pass 2021 post UTME screening examination.


how to prepare for post UTME

To gain admission into any university in Nigeria, you must pass excellently well in Post UTME. The examination has been a problem to many Nigerian students because it is conducted differently by universities. This means that there is no watertight guide to pass post UTME. In light of this, what I will be sharing with you today are the tentative tips that will help you to prepare for Post UTME and pass easily. So, whether you want. to take UNN post UTME, UI post UTME, UNILAG Post UTME or any post UTME at all, this article will guide you on how you should get ready for the examination.


Also Read:

Materials You Need To Prepare For Post UTME

Before i present my tips one how to prepare for post UTME, here are the materials you will need to prepare and pass any post UTME screening examination:

JAMB past questions:

Since post UTME screening examinations are conducted to confirm that students can really defend what they scored in JAMB examination, JAMB past questions and answers are one of the most important materials you need to prepare for post UTME. This is largely true because, most universities in Nigeria always repeat previously asked JAMB questions in their post UTME. No doubt, JAMB past questions are very important if you really want to pass the post UTME screening examination of your dream school.

Post UTME past questions:

Accordingly, you need past post UTME questions from the school you want attend, to prepare for their post UTME screening examination. Just as JAMB questions are repeated, schools also repeat their post UTME questions too. This is very essential to pass the post UTME of any university in Nigeria.

Relevant textbooks:

Another important material you need to prepare for post UTME examination is your textbook. Not just your textbooks, but your relevant textbooks. Sometimes it is good to read textbooks because, they will help to ensure that you really understand a topic where questions will come from in post UTME. Now lets see how you can prepare for post UTME.

Must read:

How To Prepare For Post UTME

These are the guides to prepare for Post UTME:

  • Start reading as early as possible.
  • Be determined to pass.
  • Study relentlessly.
  • Read past post UTME questions very well.
  • Enquire from students who have written the examination before.
  • Study relevant materials.
  • Commit the examination into the hands of God.

Yes! Those are the essential preparation tips that will help you to prepare and pass 2021/2023 post UTME. As we continue, I will give more details about the preparation tips highlighted above. I recommend that you read this article till the end. Here we go.

Start reading as early as possible:

How to prepare for post UTME and pass

One of the mistakes many students often make is to rest too much after JAMB examination. In my own opinion, it is not advisable for a student to relax after JAMB. This is because Post UTME screening examinations are fast approaching. Coupled with that, if you decide to rest too much, you will begin to forget even the things you read during JAMB UTME. So there is no time to rest or play around.

If you really want to pass post UTME, you must start reading as early as possible. Do not wait for your school to release their post registration UTME form first. Just start reading because, Post UTME is even more difficult than JAMB UTME.

Be determined to pass:

Determination is one of the essentials for preparing and passing Post UTME. The truth is that, if you are not determined; you will always find it difficult to read for your examination. Thus, determination is necessary to even help you prepare for Post UTME.

Determination is what will make you read harder. It will consolidate your chance of passing the examination by making you confident and courageous to pass excellently. Trust me; if you can be determined to pass, then be sure that you will definitely pass your post UTME. No matter the university you want to take the examination.

Study relentlessly:

Study hard to pass post UTME

To pass post UTME examination, you must also study relentlessly. This largely true because, Post UTME is even more difficult than JAMB UTME. I personally recommend you to create a study timetable. Know the subjects you are supposed to take in the examination and create valuable time for all of them. More so, you must learn to avoid distractions and focus on how you can prepare properly for your post UTME. Remember that Post UTME screening examinations are only done once in every year. So if I were you, I will put in my best to pass it once and for all.

Read past Post UTME questions:

Study hard to pass post UTME

Another important tip that will help to prepare you for pass Post UTME screening examination this 2021, is to read past post UTME questions of the school you want to gain admission into. After doing research about how post UTME screening examinations are conducted in Nigeria, I discovered that most schools repeat their post UTME questions. Thus, it wise to prepare with past post UTME questions and answers. For instance, schools like UNN, UI, UNIBEN, UNILAG, UNIZIK etc, always repeat their questions. No doubt, this is an ideal tip to help you prepare for post UTME properly.

Enquire from students who have written the examination before:


Like it is rightly said, “Nobody is an island of wisdom”. You cannot pass Post UTME examination without knowing anything about the examination. This is where you will need the help of other people who have written the same post UTME examination you are about to write. Ask them to tell you the nature of the examination and give you any success guide they know. This will go a long way to help you pass the post UTME of your dream school. If you can’t find anybody who has written post UTME in the school you want to attend before, you can go to social media like Facebook. You will surely find someone that will help you out.

Study relevant materials:

Study hard to pass post UTME

You will agree with me that not every material is relevant for passing post UTME in Nigeria. So while you are preparing for post UTME of the school you want to attend, make sure that you read all the materials that are relevant to the subjects you want to take in the post UTME screening examination.

The reason why I recommend that you should only read material that are relevant to the subjects you want to take in your Post UTME is because, there is always no much time given for students to prepare for post UTME. So it is apparently wise to read relevant materials that will contribute to you success in the examination and not the ones that will dissipate your time.

Commit the examination into the hands of God:

how to pass for post UTME

Post UTME screening examination is the last exam students are expected to pass before gaining admission in Nigeria. If you fail this examination, you have wasted all the efforts you made to pass JAMB examination for that year. Thus, I think it is wise to commit your post UTME screeining examination into the hands of God. Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, make sure you pray and commit your examination into the hands of God. Trust me; if you can do this, you will pass your post UTME in a way you never expected.

Also Read:

Yes! Post UTME may be more difficult to pass, but I can assure you that it is not more than you. If you have written JAMB examination and passed very well, then post UTME will not be a big problem for you. As long as you use the tips in this article effectively, I promise you that you will pass very well. Hope this article was helpful? Do let me know what you think using the comment section below. Thank you.


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