This post is about the most lucrative courses in Nigeria that are highly paid to study in Nigeria as of 2021. I just have to write this due to the continuous increase in the demand for it by applicants who want to apply for admission into various Nigerian Universities this year.
I had previously share enormous admission through how to gain admission into Nigerian universities. As a matter of fact, we’ve had enough questions ranging from:
What are the Best Selling Courses In Nigerian Universities?,what are the most lucrative courses in Nigeria, which courses are best for science, which courses are best to study for art student, which courses are best to study for commercial students?
With this post, I will like to provide answers to your questions. If you are done reading this post, you will definitely be bold enough to choose the most lucrative courses among others in your 2021 UTME registration.
Though, with the current Nigerian unemployment rate, recession and the difficult economic situation, one would expect all Nigerian students who want to have a university education to be wise and select the best professional, lucrative, marketable and highly paid course to study.
see also;Most Populated Universities In Nigeria
It is on this note, we compiled the following most lucrative courses for you to look into. Though, this is subject to my personal opinion and knowledge. Feel free to add, more if you have any.
Below are the most lucrative courses in Nigeria:
1.Medicine & Surgery

I’m sure Medicine and Surgery as a course is not new to you. We all know the stress involved in studying medicine in Nigeria. Though, if you can be determined, patient and consistent you will surely reap the juicy fruit of been a medical doctor.
Though, the process of gaining admission into medicine is highly competitive in Nigeria. You have to be well prepared and ensure you score so high in UTME. Some Universities in Nigeria will not even consider any score less than 250 in UTME for medicine.
Read also; Best Universities To Study Engineering In Nigeria
2.Agriculture Science

You may not want to see this on the list but its real. We are officially on recession and the government place to rescue the economy is through diversification to agriculture and mineral resources. So for any serious student, it is important to learn the act of going back to farm. You can go into fishery, piggery, planting, and many other aspect of Agriculture to harness the potential on the field.
3.Computer Science/Engineering

We are in the age of ICT and ICT cannot be achieved without computers. If study any of these courses, you would not only be needed by individuals but companies who will need you to handle their ICT unit. Read a List of best engineering courses you can read in Nigerian Universities and their requirements.

These are two courses and are both lucrative when you studied them to their professional levels. With accounting and finance, you can be employed by any company in the world. The profession places you in a better position to work anywhere. See How to register ICAN and The Cost In Nigeria.You can also establish your own financing firm and start a financial consulting service. I’m personally proud to be an accountant.
5. Economics

Although, It can be said to randise with Political Science, But i tell you its also the most lucrative courses in Nigeria Today as it comes before Political science. find out why here.
Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
6. Pharmacy

Another lucrative and wonderful course to study in Nigeria is Pharmacy. Not just because of its employ-ability, but because of the opportunity it offers to be self reliance at the end of the whole thing.You cannot only seek for Job with your degree in pharmacy, but also establish your own Pharmaceutical companies or Pharmacy. Pharmacy admission is also competitive.

Nursing is good, lucrative and employable. Both in Nigeria and abroad. Despite the huge rate of unemployment, Nigeria is still in short supply of good and professional nurses. This is obvious in most of our public and private hospital in every part of the country.
8. Law

Law is a professional course you can study in the university to become a lawyer or a court judge. Law is well known for its professional practices and opportunities. If after you graduated from the university and proceeded to school of law and passed the prescribed examination, you become a barrister with practicing license.
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9. Political Science

Although people say it is POLITICS, but i will describe it as the branch of knowledge that deals with the state and systems of government; the scientific analysis of political activity and behaviour. it is one of the best and most lucrative courses in Nigeria Today. Do not mind me if i did not put it first. because am sure you are expecting it to come first.
10.Chemical/Petroleum Engineering

This is the last. I guessed you know the importance attached to petroleum in Nigeria and any other part of the world? Now imaging been a petroleum engineer. Its ‘darm’ lucrative. You can check out list of Nigerian universities that offer chemical engineering.
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OK. There you have my list of the most lucrative courses in Nigeria 2021. I know that list must have taken you aback. Well, if you really want to know why those courses are the most lucrative in Nigeria today, then join me as I explain in detail, what those courses are all about.
How good is computer science
still very lucrative in 2021