
How to Register for NIN: Step-By-Step Guide

How To Register For National Identification Number (NIN) in Nigeria Easily without stress.


The National Identification Number is no doubt a necessity for all citizens of the country. In the nearest future, hardly will an individual be able to anything official without the use of the NIN. It is now mandatory for anyone trying to register for International Passport to have a National Identification Number (NIN).

Also, as recently as last year, the Joint Matriculation Admission Board (JAMB) gave a mandate that all applicants must have a National Identification Number before they can apply for JAMB. Likewise, it has just been mandated to linked with your phone numbers.


These and many other reasons have made the registration of the National Identification Number (NIN) a stressful process because of the numbers of people trying to register daily and little registration centers available in the country.

Interestingly, in this article I will walk you through the steps to take so you can get your NIN registration done really fast without stress.

Requirements for NIN

Visit an NIMC registration centre with your Bank Verification Number (not compulsory) and any means of identification (compulsory). The following means of identification are accepted;

  • Voters card (Temporary or permanent).
  • Old National ID card.
  • School ID card.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • Declaration of age (can be gotten at a court).
  • Certificate of Origin (can be gotten from your state liaison office).
  • Attestation letter from Religious leader or Traditional leader.
  • Nigerian International Passport.
  • Government staff ID card.
  • National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) card.
  • Tax clearance certificate.
  • Drivers license

How to Register for NIN within 30 Minutes 

Here you will learn how to beat the crowd and register for your National Identity Number faster than everyone else.

Step 1: Get the NIN Registration Requirements

Get the requirements above. Only original copies are accepted. Some of these documents are easy to get. For example, the birth certificate can be gotten at a general hospital while the sworn declaration of age can be gotten at a court.

Step 2: Visit the NIN Registration Centre

Visit the registration centre: The registration centre you pick will determine how quickly you will be able to register for your NIN.

Step 3: Filling of Forms 

On getting to the NIN enrollment centre, you will be given a form to fill in your details. Ensure you fill in every detail correctly, your surname, first name, middle name, date of birth e.t.c

Step 4: Submission of Forms 

Walk up to the enrollment and submit the forms. The enrollment officer will fill in your information into the National Identification Management application portal. While this is going on, you are expected to keep an eye on the computer screen facing you. Ensure that the enrollment officer does not make a mistake.

Before submitting to the portal, the NIMC enrollment officer will ask you to confirm your details.

Step 5: Biometrics Capturing 

Your fingerprints, head-shot and signature will be captured. Try to put a little smile while taking the head-shot is being taken as you may not have an opportunity to change the image again. The head-shot is the picture that will appear on your National Identity card when it is produced.

Step 6: Scanning of Documents 

The supporting documents you provided will be scanned by the enrollment officer and submitted to the National Identification Management portal.

Step 7: Collection of Slips 

After the registration is completed, you will be given two slips; the transaction slip and the NIN slip confirming that you have done the registration.

Now that you have completed your NIN registration, you can use the number for any purpose while you wait for the National Identity card to be produced.


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