Though the National Electoral Commission (INEC) has tried its best to explain the step by step procedure for retrieving or recovering lost voters card (PVC) in Nigeria, many people still find it difficult to get a new voters card after damaging or misplacing their previous permanent voters card (PVC). Apparently, without your voters card, you will not be allowed to vote in any election in Nigeria. Coupled with that, you may be restricted from doing any things that requires a voters card. For example, you may not be allowed to open a bank account in Nigeria without it. Also, you cannot apply for job in some places without your permanent voters card etc. So you see, a voters card is very important for every citizen in Nigeria.

In light of this, i have decided to show everyone how to retrieve lost permanent voters card in Nigeria. Note that the procedure highlighted here, have been confirmed to be tentative by many people. So if you really want to recover your lost voters card, follow the instructions here.
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Follow the steps below to retrieve your lost voters card:
- Go to any authorised INEC office in your area.
- Apply for a recovery of your permanent voters card.
- Provide any document that shows that you had your PVC before. For example, your temporal voters card or even your international passport.
- Explain to them how you misplaced or damaged the voters card and tell them why you need a new one.
- After that, an original copy of your permanent voters card will be issued to you there.
The date you applied for the new PVC will be written explicitly on it. More so, the word “DUPLICATE” will also be written on your new permanent voters card (PVC) for identification purpose.
There will be no retrieving of voters card (PVC) if there is any election in the country that is just 30 days ahead.
How long will it take to get a new voters card (PVC)?
For now, it will take up to 4 months to get back your permanent voters card (PVC) after applying for a new one. You will be told a date for you to come and collect the new PVC. All you have to do is to wait till the stated date.
Yeah! These are the important things you should know about retrieving a lost permanent voters card in Nigeria. Don’t forget to inform me if you had any problem while following the information in this article. Hope this was helpful?
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I lost my voter card that I want to retrieve my name Yusuf Rashiid A , date of birth 14, may, 1959, card no 96F5B15BEB296054416
If i dont have temporal voters card or international passport, can i use national ID card
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