Do you want to apply for N-power the latest recruitment exercise? or you’re wanting to always know the latest Npower recruitment updates?. then this blog post will certainly be of help to you.
I have however previously listed the list of jobs and recruitments that are currently available for application of which NPOWER Recruitment is part.
Making things clear, the main purpose of this article is to take you through the various updates on Npower recruitment, the registration procedures and the eligibility/requirements of Npower recruitment application.

How Much is Npower Recruitment Registration Form?
Before now, I have gotten questions from applicants of Npower asking about the cost of the Npower Recruitment registration form?
On this note, I will like to bring to your notice that the Npower Recruitment form is 100% free of charge.
The reason being that Npower is not targetted to make money from people instead it is a poverty alleviation scheme. In a recap, the Npower recruitment form is free and registration is free as well.
Npower Recruitment Requirements
Before you think of registering for Npower, it is advisable you possess the below requirements so you can be picked in the long run.
- Bank verification number (BVN)
- Valid phone number
- Accessible Email address
- Important documents like birth certificate, CV, school leaving certificates.
How To Apply For Npower Recruitment
To apply for Npower Recruitment is not difficult at all. it is as simple as going to the official website @ and filling your details as requested in the fields. although for those who don’t know how to, I will still list the process to apply for Npower recruitment below.
Step 1. Firstly, visit the official NPower registration portal homepage using: Alternatively, visit the application portal using:
Step 2. Select the category you wish to apply for. The options are N-power Knowledge, N-power Volunteer corps and N-power build. Afterward, you’ll be provided with other options to choose from.
Step 3. After choosing the option you wish to apply for, the “Apply Now” link would be made available. Just go ahead and click on it.
Step 4. Fill in the blank forms you’re provided with; but before then, you’d be provided with several instructions. Make sure you read those instructions before filling the forms. In addition, you’ll need to provide a few documents — which include passport, CV, degree qualification certificate, and others.
Step 5. Finally, after successfully filling the forms you’re provided with, click on the submit button. Thereafter, you’ll be provided with your “NPower Registration Number”. It is with that number you’ll be able to log in for aptitude test, follow up on your recruitment status.
Within the next few days, expect to receive an email from NPower containing information concerning your registration.
Okay, Just like I have earlier, this blog post will be a short one but however I have covered everything about Npower recruitment, the requirements and how to apply easily.