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How To Pass NABTEB Examination: 2023 NABTEB Guide

NABTEB examination is unlike WAEC and JAMB examination because the examination is more professional and technical based. This is apparently  why many students find it very difficult to pass the examination. Nevertheless, in this article I will be sharing some working tips that will help students to prepare and pass NABTEB examination excellently.


How to pass NABTEB Examination 2020/2021

Thus, whether you are just writing NABTEB for the first time, or you have written before but failed; this article is for you. In chronological order, I will tell you everything you need to know about NABTEB examination, and after that, I will show you how to pass NABTEB examination in just one sitting. Now here we go!


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NABTEB means National Business and Technical Examination Board. It is one of the professional examination bodies in Nigeria. NABTEB was established 1992 in order to domesticate a craft level examination in Nigeria. No doubt, NABTEB has really contributed to the growth of education in Nigeria.

Though many people don’t recognize this examination body or the certificate it offers, the main aim of NABTEB certificate is to gain employment. NABTEB is responsible for conducting four examinations in Nigeria namely: National common entrance examination, MTCE (modular trade certificate examination), NTC examination (National Technical Certificate) and NBC examination.


Below are the guides you need to pass NABTEB examination:

  • Be determined to pass the examination.
  • Study voraciously.
  • Get ready for a practical exam.
  • Study NABTEB past questions and answer.
  • Use NABTEB syllabus when studying.
  • Pray and ask God for help.

Those are my guides to pass NABTEB examination in 2020. More details on each of the points above will be given as we continue. I enjoin you to read them carefully as I tide you over.

Be determined to pass the examination:

Determination is very pertinent if you want to pass NABTEB examination. The truth is that, NABTEB examination seems to be the most difficult examination in Nigeria. Like I said before, it is a professional examination. Thus, the kind of questions they ask is not like that of a normal school examination.

It will only take a serious and determined person to pass NABTEB examination. So if you really want to do well in the impending NABTEB examination, you have to be zealous about your success in the examination.

Study voraciously:

Next is to read very hard for the examination. Apparently, there is no examination you can pass without studying very well. NABTEB examination is not an exception. If you want to pass the impending NABTEB examination, you must read as if your life depends on the examination. Make sure you study any material that can help you to pass the examination.

More so, you are advised to also start reading on time. Time is a very important tip for passing any examination. So, the earlier you start reading the better for you. I recommend that you start reading from the sixth month before the examination.

Get ready for a practical exam:

The mistake many students often make is to prepare for NABTEB nonchalantly. NABTEB is a practical examination. It is not an examination where you will be asked theory question.  In light of this, you have to prepare for NABTEB in a different way. If you don’t know how the examination is taken, I suggest you ask students who have written the examination before.

Before taking the examination, make sure you have good knowledge of the way NABTEB examination is conducted. This will also go a long way to help you pass the impending NABTEB examination.

Study NABTEB past questions and answer:

Next is to get your NABTEB past questions and answers. NABTEB past questions and answers will help to reduce your fear and tension during the examination. Coupled with that, past questions and answers are very important because they help to make you familiar with the way NABTEB ask their questions.

So you see, NABTEB past questions and answer are very essential for students who really want to pass NABTEB examination. I enjoin you to get your NABTEB past questions and answers now and start reading for your examination.

Use NABTEB syllabus when studying:

When preparing for NABTEB examination, many students always forget the importance of NABTEB syllabus. Well, it will surprise you know that NABTEB actually has syllabus from which they ask they pick their questions from. To pass NABTEB examination, it is wise to get that syllabus and study it assiduously. Remember NABTEB will not ask question from anywhere other than that her syllabus. So NABTEB syllabus is a tentative tips to pass NABTEB examination this year.

However, if you know that you don’t have enough money to get NABTEB syllabus, you can leave it. But note that the syllabus will go a long way to help you pass the impending NABTEB examination.

Pray and ask God for help:

Lastly, you need God’s help to pass NABTEB examination. Sometimes students read hard but because of problems  that were not actually their fault, then end up still failing the examination. This is why you must pray if you want to pass the impending NABTEB exam. Tell God to come and help you to remember everything you read in the examination hall. Trust me; this will also help you to prepare and pass the impending NABTEB examination.


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The answer is yes! It is possible to gain admission into any Nigerian university or polytechnic with NABTEB result. This is largely true, as NABTEB results are now one of the recognized O’level results in Nigeria. To corroborate this, many tertiary institutions in Nigeria have stated; in their admission requirement that WAEC, NECO or NABTEB results can be used for admission in Nigeria. So you need not to fear. If you want to take NABTEB examination, quickly apply for the form now.

Yeah! That is all on how to prepare and pass NABTEB 2021 examination. Trust me; if you use the information in this article very well, you will pass the impending NABTEB examination excellently. Meanwhile, if you still have any question as regards how to pass NABTEB examination, kindly ask me using the comment section.


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