Education Guides

Can I Study Engineering Without Mathematics? See answer here

Can I study engineering without mathematics? – this questions of if it’s possible to study engineering without mathematics is absurd.


Even if you manover your way to study major engineering without mathematics, how then will you persuade your employer you actually study engineering and not another course?.

Well, that’s not where we’re driving at today, although we still have to touch some parts and if you are in haste to find answer then click here to move straight to the answer.


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Many a times, students ask me whether it’s possible or not to study engineering without mathematics meanwhile there are Courses you can actually study without mathematics in the University.

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Can I Study Engineering Without Mathematics?

The answer is No!, it is never possible to study engineering without mathematics, in fact it can never work.

This is because mathematics is deemed to be one of the major backbones in engineering .

The truth is any university that will accept you to study engineering without mathematics simply means the course does not worth it, most universities requires both mathematics and physics to study engineering although chemistry is another phase of we ought to look at.

Can I Gain Admission With F9 in Maths?

If you want to study engineering at university, then it’s crucial that you meet a certain requirements. Maths is a must-have subject whatever type of engineering you want to study.

The answer to this NO!, You can not gain admission into any university with an F9 in mathematics.

Also read;  list of universities that offer admission without JAMB 

What then is the minimum score I should have?.

As an engineering student, you must have a minimum of credit pass in mathematics to gain admission into any university of your choice.

In combination with other subjects, including physics and chemistry, this should work out fine.


In a recap to everything I said earlier, it’s not possible to study engineering without mathematics, as such you need a minimum of credit pass to gain admission.

I hope I have been able to answer you question explicitly as to if it’s possible or not t9 study engineering without mathematics.

Well, in case you have any questions, you may drop them in the comment section below and expect reply in a jiffy.

Can I gain admission with f9 in mathematics?

The answer to this NO!, You can not gain admission into any university with an F9 in mathematics.

What then is the minimum score I should have?

As an engineering student, you must have a minimum of credit pass in mathematics to gain admission into any university of your choice. In combination with other subjects, including physics and chemistry, this should work out fine.

How to study engineering without mathematics?

If you want to study engineering at university, then it’s crucial that you meet a certain requirements. Maths is a must-have subject whatever type of engineering you want to study.

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