US News

#SueTheView trending on Twitter after co-host Whoopi Goldberg smeared TPUSA

#SueTheView trending on Twitter after co-host Whoopi Goldberg smeared TPUSA. Goldberg said the conservative organization allows neo-Nazis to attend their event in Tampa, Fla. He then tried to back down and offered a “quick clarification” to mention that the neo-Nazis were “external protesters”.


TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk said the group is considering legal action against the program. He said in a tweet: “Talking to lawyers. Many think we have a strong case. You can’t denigrate minors as Nazis and get away with it. It affects her for the rest of her life, “I have a legal notice.

The conservative group Turning Point USA has condemned the group of neo-Nazis, saying they have nothing to do with the organization. Co-host Joy Behar took the opportunity to poke fun at Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis: “Yeah, but where was DeSantis? I want to know. Whoopi Goldberg then attacked TPUSA, accusing him: “But you let them in.


You let them in and you knew what they were. So you are complicit. After a commercial break, apparently realizing he must hold back, Goldberg stated, “I want to make a quick clarification about the neo-Nazis at Turning Point: They were outside protesters. But then he insisted: “My point was more metaphorical, you hug her your way I felt.

So they were just…they weren’t in the building…they weren’t in the building; You were in the mix of people on the matter. In a tweet, TPUSA said: “After a group of left-wing Antifa protesters showed up, unsurprisingly, to protest our event, they finally broke up and minutes later these ‘Nazis’ showed up.


Who are these people? We have no idea, and ABC and other media outlets don’t want to find out. On Monday, January 31, 2022, Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of ABC’s “The View,” drew a false Holocaust narrative, dangerous rhetoric that further fuels anti-Semitism.

Whoopi Goldberg declared that the Holocaust “is not about race,” despite the systematic killing of some six million Jews. Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, tweeted: “No @WhoopiGoldberg, the #Holocaust was circa, the systematic annihilation of the Jewish people by the Nazis, who viewed them as an inferior race.


They dehumanized them and used this racist propaganda to justify the slaughter of 6 million Jews. Holocaust distortion is dangerous. #ENOUGH. Whoopi joined Stephen Colbert on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on 1/31/21. find out more about the Holocaust and its effects 80 years later. Networks are quick to “terminate” hosts for making racist comments, so why doesn’t Whoopi meet the same standards?



One Reply to “#SueTheView trending on Twitter after co-host Whoopi Goldberg smeared TPUSA

  1. It is about time, that the credibility of our government is RESTORED.
    We the people of this United States of America, are tired of so much corruption and that the media can no longer be trusted.
    We deserve TRANSPARENCY

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